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In Defense of Julian Assange

"This book shows why the Julian Assange case is one of the most important press freedom cases of this century or any other century."—James C. Goodale, former Vice Chairman and General Counsel of The New York Times.

“I think the prosecution of him [Assange] would be a very, very bad precedent for publishers … from everything I know, he’s sort of in a classic publisher’s position and I think the law would have a very hard time drawing a distinction between The New York Times and WikiLeaks.”
— David McCraw, lead lawyer for The New York Times

After being forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy, Julian Assange is now in a high security prison in London where he faces extradition to the United States and imprisonment for the rest of his life.

The charges Assange faces are a major threat to press freedom. James Goodale, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case, commented : “The charge against Assange for ‘conspiring’ with a source is the most dangerous I can think of with respect to the First Amendment in all my years representing media organizations.”

It is critical now to build support for Assange and prevent his delivery into the hands of the Trump administration. That is the urgent purpose of this book. A wide range of distinguished contributors, many of them in original pieces, here set out the story of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, the importance of their work, and the dangers for us all in the persecution they face. In Defense of Julian Assange is a vivid, vital intervention into one of the most important political issues of our day.

Contributors : Pamela Anderson, Julian Assange, Renata Avila, Katrin Axelsson, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Sally Burch, Noam Chomsky, Patrick Cockburn, Naomi Colvin, The Courage Foundation, Mark Curtis, Daniel Ellsberg, Teresa Forcades i Vila, Charles Glass, Kevin Gosztola, Serge Halimi, Nozomi Hayase, Chris Hedges, Srećko Horvat, Caitlin Johnstone, Margaret Kimberley, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Lisa Longstaff, Alan MacLeod, Stefania Maurizi, Craig Murray, Fidel Narváez, John C. O’Day, John Pilger, Jesselyn Radack, Michael Ratner, Angela Richter, Geoffrey Robertson, Jennifer Robinson, Matt Taibbi, Natalia Viana, Ai Weiwei, Vivienne Westwood and Slavoj Žižek.

All royalties from the sales of this book will be donated to the Courage Foundation.

452 pages • Paperback ISBN 978-1-68219-221-4 • E-book 978-1-68219-223-8

URL de cet article 35555
Même Thème
La traque des lanceurs d’alerte
Stéphanie Gibaud
Préface de Julian Assange Les lanceurs d’alerte défrayent l’actualité depuis une dizaine d’années. Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning et Julian Assange sont révélateurs des méthodes utilisées pour faire craquer ceux qui ont le courage de parler des dysfonctionnements et des dérives de notre société. Pourtant, ces héros sont devenus des parias. Leur vie est un enfer. Snowden est réfugié en Russie, Assange dans une ambassade, Manning était en prison, Stéphanie Gibaud et bien d’autres sont (…)
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"Avec une bonne dose de peur et de violence, et beaucoup d’argent pour les projets, je pense que nous arriverons à convaincre ces gens que nous sommes là pour les aider."

Un commandant a expliqué la logique derrière les mesures extrêmement répressives
(prises par les forces d’occupation pour faire régner l’ordre en Irak)
[New York Times, Dec. 7, 2003]

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Le saviez-vous ? Le Grand Soir a vu le jour en 2002.